PoPo Zow is a community-based people search and reverse number lookup app that connects and facilitates the sale of current cell phone numbers among verified users. By utilizing crowdsourcing, PoPo Zow is a gateway to facilitate the buying and selling of verified cell phone numbers.- Search for any name or number- Make cash for contacts by choosing whether to sell a contact's number to someone in the community wanting to buy it.- FREE: The app is free to download and to use for searching. Pay only if/when you want to buy a name or number.- Only people with verified cell phone numbers are part of the community.- Proprietary algorithm verifies accuracy of the numbers.- Notifications alert you when someone wants to buy a number from you.- When you buy a name or number, the app will allow you to directly save it to your contacts.
PoPo Zow gives you full control over your contacts. Only you choose whether to sell contact information to someone in the community. And you can choose to permanently to never disclose someone's phone number. PoPo Zow requires an Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) for full functionality.
If you have any feedback or questions, please email
[email protected].